
Speaker "Ajit Gaddam" Details Back



BigData Data Protection


Hadoop and BigData are no longer buzz words in large enterprises. Whether for the correct reasons or not, enterprise data warehouses are moving to Hadoop and along with it come petabytes of data. How do you ensure Bigdata in Hadoop does not become a big problem or a big target. In certain ways, Hadoop and bigdata represent a greenfield opportunity for security practitioners. It provides a chance to get ahead of the curve, test and deploy your tools, processes, patterns, and techniques before big data becomes a big problem. Come join this session, where we walk through control frameworks we built and what we discovered, reinvented, polished, and developed to support data security, compliance, cryptographic protection, and effective risk management for sensitive data.


Ajit is the Chief Security Architect at VISA, the worlds largest payment network, which processed $4.5 trillion last year. Areas of expertise include data security, cryptography, and mobile security. He held other senior roles at various tech and financial firms before that role including founding two startups. He is an active participant in various open source and security architecture standards bodies.