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Combining techniques of Calculus, Statistics and Data Normalization in CALSTATDN model


The advancements of the Internet of Things and the big data analytics systems need new model for analyzing large volumes of data from a plurality of software systems, machines and embedded sensors used for application areas such as natural ecosystems, bioinformatics, smart homes, smart cities, automobiles, airplanes etc. These complex systems need efficient methods for near-real time collection, processing, analysis and sharing of data from and among the plurality of sensors, machines and humans. This CALSTATDN model identifies and proposes implementation of a new model (CALSTATDN) for machine learning combining methods of calculus (CAL), statistics (STAT) and database normalization (DN) in order to reduce error and processing time of extremely large volumes of data by several orders of magnitude.


Dr. Shyam Sarkar is an entrepreneur in Big Data industry. He has thirty years of experience in database research, development and AI techniques. He has multiple patents and publications. Ayush Sarkar is a software researcher / developer with experience in mathematical modeling, analysis and software.  CALSTATDN Model was jointly invented by Dr. Shyam Sarkar and Mr. Ayush Sarkar.