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Big Data Trends to Watch in 2017 Posted on : Jun 24 - 2017

Data is playing an increasingly prominent role in all areas of life, with many experts now referring to it as having replaced oil as the world’s most valuable commodity. Certainly, over the last few years we have seen stark reminders of both how prevalent, important, and at times vulnerable data can be. This has been demonstrated in a number of hacks of prominent companies resulting in widespread breaches of private data.

In a world where the majority of people are willing to hand over a large amount of personal information and place an unprecedented amount of trust in tech companies to store and protect that data, it is more important than ever that data as a subject is made more accessible to the average person and that enthusiasts and professionals take seriously the interests of those who might not fully understand the consequences of how they treat their own data. The following is a brief primer on some of the emerging trends in big data that are set to play an important role in the industry’s landscape over the coming year.


Analytics is, as the name says, the science of analyzing and interpreting data. Analytics is what allows companies like Google to take various snippets of information about you from your web browsing habits, search history, etc., and use this information to build a picture of who you are and what products, services, and websites are likely to interest you.

Other everyday examples of analytics include the recommendations given to you by companies like Netflix and Amazon, based on what you’ve purchased or viewed previously. The value of analytics is enormous and there is a growing debate about the role analytics play in political campaigning. View More