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The Role Big Data Plays in Influencer Marketing Posted on : Jun 27 - 2017

Influencer marketing is the leading way in which brands can get noticed.

Influencer marketing is the leading way in which brands can get noticed. Big data is also one of the leading ways in which companies manage to find out about their customers and to tailor their marketing campaigns. So, it makes sense that you should come together tomaximize your chances of being seen.

So, what role can big data play in influencer marketing?

Finding the Key Influencers

Discovering key influencers can be done manually, but it takes a lot of time and effort. The best way to find key influencers is to use big data. By taking advantage of huge databases, you can easily narrow down your search to find key influencers within the big markets.

It’s becoming increasingly common for people to make a career blogging, and make some serious money, because they can easily figure out which influencer is best for their niche.

Discovering True Influence

Someone may look like they have a lot of followers on Twitter, but that doesn’t mean they have true influence. Big data is one of the only ways in which you can easily get an idea of ‘true influence’. This can be accomplished through using web metrics and reliable data extracted from segmented databases.

Big data is ideal because it can keep up with how dynamic this data is. Someone’s true influence can change in a matter of months. By linking true influence to data, you have a more reliable and less flawed set of numbers. View More