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The Internet is convenient but reads you like open book Posted on : Mar 29 - 2015

Data gathered through devices and websites, such as your computer, smart watch and social profiles, is certainly helpful in today’s world. For example, statistics gathered from your Fitbit or an online food diary app can help you make healthy lifestyle changes. But when does that information become too much?

Take the example a step further.


Let’s say you’re under a doctor’s care who has ordered you to log your activities into an app. If you’re forgetful and don’t use it, you might set a precedent with serious implications. How much of the information you share can be traced back to you? Does it say anything about your ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Conspiracy theorists can likely imagine how a future health bureau might use this information to provide you with a health score (like a credit score) that gives you a ranking in terms of your medical risk –– all based on information you willingly logged. View More