Event Schedule
Day -1 (January 23rd 8:00AM-7:00PM )
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM | Registration |
9:00 AM - 9:40AM |
Technical Track: Overview of Machine Learning use cases on the Google Assistant (Devvret Rishi, Product Management, Google) (Room 212) Technical Track: Is Big Data the Answer to Machine Learning? (Jennifer Prendki, VP AI and Machine Learning, Figure Eight) (Room 201) Retail Track: IMAGE MATTERS - How Walmart Uses Machine Learning in Computer Vision to Serve and Protect Customers (Shreyansh Gandhi, Principal Data Scientist, WalmartLabs) (Room 203) Technical Track: CycleGAN & Approaches to AI (Kelvin Lwin, Developer Advocate, Nvidia) (Room 206) |
9:40 AM - 10:20AM | General Keynote : What's Your AI Strategy? (William Thompson, Managing Director, Forbes Media) (Room 203) |
10:20AM -10:50AM | Break |
10:50 AM - 11:30AM |
Business Track: Real World AI (Arijit Sengupta, CEO, AIble)(Room 201) Finance Track: Data And Artificial Intelligence Are About People First, Technology Second (Matt Fowler, VP Machine Learning, TD Bank Group) (Room 203) Technical Track: The History And Future Of Machine Learning At Reddit (Anand Mariappan, Senior Director, Reddit) (Room 212) Technical Track: The Future of BI: From Manual Dashboards to Autonomous Analytics for Business Ops (Yoav Raccah, Solutions Engineer, Anodot) (Room 206) |
11:30 AM - 12:10PM |
Finance Track: Role of Big Data in Financial Services Industry (Ajay Jain, Executive Director, CME Group) (Room 203) Technical Track: In Search Of Better Recommendation Systems Based On Neural Networks (SK Reddy, Chief Product Officer AI & ML, Hexagon) (Room 206) Technical Track: Natural Language Understanding at Scale On Apache Spark (David Talby, CTO, Pacific AI) (Room 201) Chatbot Track: Designing Intelligent Conversational Experiences (Beerud Sheth, CEO, Gupshup) (Room 212) |
12:10 PM - 12:50PM |
Keynote Panel - Finance Track: AI in Finance (Room 203) Matt Fowler (VP Machine Learning, TD Bank Group) Aamer Charania (Director Data Science, Capital One) Miquel Noguer Alonso (CEO, AI Finance Institute & Ex-Executive Director, UBS) Edward Colet (VP Big Data, Equifax) Ashwin Krishnan (COO, Uberknowledge) - Moderator Chatbot Track: How AI Improves Human Conversations In Messaging (Patrick Perrin, Chief Scientist, Emogi) (Room 212) Technical Track: Role Of Unsupervised Learning In Video Summarization (Divya Jain, Director, Adobe) ( Room 201) Technical Track: Auto What? - A Taxonomy Of Automated Machine Learning (Adam Blum, CEO, Auger.ai) (Room 206) Healthcare/Pharma/BioTech Track: Fear, Hope, And Hype Of Artificial Intelligence In Medical Imaging (Woojin Kim, CMO, Nuance Communications) (Room 211) |
12:50 PM - 1:50PM | Lunch Break |
1:50PM - 2:30PM |
Business Track: Winning The Talent Wars: Recruiting & Retaining Diverse Technical Talent (Amy Gershkoff Bolles, Chief Data Officer, Bitly) (Room 211) Finance Track: Data, Analytics, Technology To Drive Insights Into Consumer Behaviors. (Edward Colet, VP Big Data, Equifax) ( Room 203) Technical Track: Real-Time, Multi-Cloud ML/AI With PipelineAI, TensorFlow, GPU, TPU, Spark, Kafka (Chris Fregly, Founder and Research Engineer, PipelineAI) (Room 201) Technical Track: Architectural Study In Deep Learning Era (Hyeran Jeon, Assistant Professor, San Jose State University) (Room 212) |
2:30PM - 3:10PM |
Technical Track: Making Sense of Unstructured Data (Navneet Kesher, Head of Data Sciences, Facebook) (Room 203) Finance Track: Business Strategy And Risks With Banking AI-ML Use-Case (Senthil Selvaraj, SVP, PNC) (Room 201) Business Track: Delivering Transformative Business Outcomes With AI (Ranjeeta Singh, VP Data Science And AI, Teradata) (Room 211) Business Track: Data and AI in a Smart City Environment (Sameer Sharma, General Manager, Intel) (Room 212) |
3:10PM - 3:40PM | Afternoon Break |
3:40PM - 4:20PM |
Business Track: Bootstrapping And Scaling A Data Science And Machine Learning Product Organization (Madhura Dudhgaonkar, Senior Director, Workday) (Room 201) Finance Track : Security And AI (Upendra Mardikar, VP Technologies, American Express) (Room 212) Technical Track: Convolutional Neural Networks – Unleashing the power of visual search (Aamer Charania, Director Data Science, Capital One) (Room 211) Technical Track: Deep Learning for Speech Recognition (Pranjal Daga, Data Scientist, Cisco Systems) (Room 203) |
4:20PM - 5:00PM |
Insurance Track: Nudging in a World of AI and Machine Learning (Wei Ke, Managing Partner, Simon-Kucher & Partners) (Room 211) Finance Track : Building and Automating the Network Infrastructure for a Scalable Datacenter (Tochi Onyenokwe, Software Engineer, Square) (Room 203) Technical Track: Improving Customer Support with Deep Learning and NLU (Sami Ghoche, Founder, Forethought) (Room 212) Technical Track: Deep learning acceleration with Amazon Elastic Inference (Hagay Lupesko, Engineering Leader, Amazon AI) (Room 201) |
5:00PM - 6:00PM |
Keynote Panel: Solving Business Problems with AI (Room 203) Amit Chowdhary (VP, Visa) Ranjeeta Singh (VP Data Science And AI, Teradata) Daniel Kobran (COO, Paperspace) Sachin Gupta (CEO, Hackerearth) Shreyansh Gandhi (Principal Data Scientist, WalmartLabs) Madhura Dudhgaonkar (Senior Director, Workday) Srini Gurrapu (VP Solutions Strategy, Skyhigh Networks) - Moderator |
5:00PM - 5:30PM |
Business Track: IP Protection for AI Technology (Dave Stevens, Founder, Stevens Law Group) ( Room 212) Technical Track: Edge To Core Fabrics For AI/ML/DL Pipelines (Shailesh Manjrekar, Head - Product and AI/ML Solutions, Swiftstack) (Room 201) Business Track: The collision course between Big Data+AI, Privacy, Ethics and Regulations in the AI world (Ashwin Krishnan, COO, Uberknowledge) ( Room 211) |
5:30PM - 6:00PM |
Business Track: Getting Value From The 80% Of Data You’re Not Using: Unstructured Data (Zachary Jarvinen, Head Of Technology, OpenText) ( Room 212) Blockchain Track: Blockchain Based Identity Management (Jimmy Su, Senior Director, JD.com) (Room 201) |
6:00PM - 7:00PM | PM RECEPTION |
Day - 1 (Jan 23rd Workshop Track)
9:00AM - 12:50 PM | Workshop: Hands on Workshop : Minimally Sufficient Pandas (Theodore Petrou, Founder, Pandas) CATEGORY: Intermediate-Advanced (Room 207) |
12:50 PM - 1:50PM | Lunch Break |
2:00PM - 6:00PM |
Workshop: Getting Started In Deep Learning With TensorFlow (Robert Crowe, Data Scientist, Google) CATEGORY: Beginner | Intermediate | Deep-Learning (Room 207) Workshop: Hands on Workshop : Build your own Pandas Cub (Theodore Petrou, Founder, Pandas) CATEGORY: Intermediate-Advanced (Room 206) |
Day - 1 (Jan 23rd Exhibit Hours) 9AM-7:00PM (Room 210)
Day -2 (January 24th 8:15AM-7:00PM )
8:15 AM - 9:00 AM | Registration |
9:00 AM - 9:40 AM |
Retail/E-Commerce Track: From BI To AI: Turning Data Into An Asset (Pavan Arora, Chief AI Officer, Aramark) (Room 203) Technical Track: Deep Learning For Developmental Robotics (Douglas Blank, Associate Professor, Bryn Mawr College) (Room 201) Insurance Track: Predictive Modeling - A Practical Perspective (Matthew Zender, Sr. Vice President, AmTrust Financial) (Room 212) Advertising Track: Machine Learning in Advertising Technology (Justin Fortier, Principal Data Scientist, Viralgains) ( Room 211) |
9:40 AM - 10:20 AM | General Keynote Session : Innovation at Amazon (Paul Misener, VP, Amazon) (Room 203) |
10:20AM - 10:50AM | Break |
10:50 AM - 11:30 AM |
Retail/E-Commerce Track: Data Science And Applications At Kohl's Retail (Alan Lee, VP Data Science, Kohl's) (Room 203) Enterprise Track: Building Enterprise AI Companies (Mohan Reddy, Chief Technology Officer, The Hive) (Room 201) Technical Track: How Machine Learning Powers On-Demand Logistics At DoorDash (Raghav Ramesh, Machine Learning Engineer, DoorDash) (Room 212) Finance Track: Introducing Cora (Naresh Vyas, VP, RBS) (Room 211) |
11:30 AM - 12:10 PM |
Keynote Panel : AI in Retail/E-Commerce (Room 203) Anjan Goswami (Director Data Science, Salesforce) Ravi Kumar Buragapu (Director, Kohls Technology) Pavan Arora (Chief AI Officer, Aramark) Vilas Veeraraghavan (Director, Walmart) Krish Ramineni (CEO, Fireflies.ai) - Moderator Finance Track: Future of Finance operations: The exponential impact of AI/ML/DL (Veena Gundavalli, CEO, Emagia) ( Room 201) Business Track: Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Internet Of Things - The Future Societal Framework (Anurag Yadav, CEO, PrimaFelicitas) (Room 211) Technical Track: AI based Computer Vision, Imagenet and Image segmentation (Bhairav Mehta, Manager, Apple) (Room 212) |
12:10 PM - 12:50 PM |
Retail/E-Commerce Track: How Macys Uses Machine Learning To Improve Customer Experience (Haamid Ali, Director, Macys) (Room 203) Technical Track: Natural Language Processing - Concepts And Applications In AI (Sumit Amar, Sr Director Engineering, Visa) ( Room 201) Insurance Track: Connect the new data world to the “old world” of underwriting (Todd Rissel, CEO, e2Value) (Room 212) Healthcare/Pharma/BioTech Track: Use Of AI In Empowering Patients (Vishaal Virani, Director, Ada Health) (Room 211) |
12:50 PM - 1:50PM | Lunch Break |
1:40 PM - 2:30PM |
Keynote Panel : AI from Investment perspective (Room 203) Arif Janmohamed (Partner, Lightspeed Venture Partners) Bill Reichert (Managing Director, Garage Technology Ventures) Sanjit Dang (Co-Founder And Chairman, U First Capital) Sander Bogdan (Venture Partner, Vela Partners) Anupam Rastogi (Partner, Emergent Ventures) Kartik Gada (Executive Director, Woodside Capital) - Moderator |
1:50 PM - 2:30PM |
Technical Track: Unleashing The Power Of Monotonicity With TensorFlow Lattice (Sen Zhao, Data Scientist, Google) (Room 201) Business Track: The Insights Supply Chain: Organizing for Big Data (Duru Ahanotu, Sr. Director, Dictionary.com) (Room 212) Insurance Track: IoT Connected Home Smart Home Data (Daniel Turgel, CEO, SmartInsure) (Room 211) |
2:30 PM - 3:10 PM |
Retail/E-Commerce Track: Automate capacity management of applications for a hybrid cloud ecosystem (Vilas Veeraraghavan, Director, Walmart) (Room 203) Business Track: Productionizing your Machine Learning Models (Jon Peck, Software Engineer, Algorithmia) ( Room 212) Technical Track: Deep learning in production: going beyond Python (Hagay Lupesko, Engineering Leader, Amazon AI) ( Room 201) Telco Track: AI Applications in Telecommunications (Hassan Srinidhi, Director of IT Architecture, CenturyLink) ( Room 211) |
3:10PM - 3:40PM | Break |
3:40 PM - 4:20 PM |
Business Track: What Google Learned About Creating Effective Teams (Matt Sakaguchi, Manager, Google) ( Room 212) Retail/E-Commerce Track: Product Design For A Segment Of One: How To Design And Deliver Highly Personal Products For Our Users (Pree Kolari, Director, eBay) ( Room 201) Technical Track: An Active Learning Framework to Optimize Training of Deep Model with Human-in-the-loop (Humayun Irshad, Senior Research and Software Engineer, Figure Eight) ( Room 203) Technical Track: Deep Reinforcement Learning For Free To Play Mobile Game Monetization Optimization (Sampsa Jaatinen, Director, Unity Technologies) ( Room 211) |
4:20 PM - 5:00 PM |
Technical Track: Bringing Your Deep Learning Algorithms to Life: From Experiments to Production (Nisha Talagala, CTO, ParallelIM) ( Room 201) Retail/E-Commerce Track: AI / ML In Data Science Engineering And Operational Excellence (Ravi Kumar Buragapu, Director, Kohls Technology) (Room 203) Technical Track: Using NLP and ML to Optimize Customer Experience (Krish Ramineni, CEO, Fireflies.ai) ( Room 211) Security Track: ML Applications for Physical Security (Chris Hurst, Co-Founder & COO, Stabilitas & Jason Flaks, CTO, Stabilitas) ( Room 212) |
5:00 PM - 6:45 PM |
AI Startup Pitch ( Room 203)
Judges: |
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM |
Security Track: Fraud Analysis and the Value of Layered Modeling (Matthew Leichter, Principal Data Scientist, Cardpool) ( Room 201) Technical Track: Running Effective Machine Learning Teams: Common Issues, Challenges and Solutions (Gideon Mendels, CEO, Comet.ml) (Room 212) |
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM |
SecurityTrack: Data Science in Security: Machine Learning for Identity Verification (Siobhan McNamara, Data Scientist, Agari) (Room 201) Chatbot Track: Empowering Workplace Efficiency By Chabot And NLP (Dave Chen, Principal Architect, Workday) ( Room 212) |
Day - 2 (Jan 24th Workshop Track)
9:00AM - 12:50 PM |
Workshop: Introduction to PyTorch (Robert Alvarez, Data Scientist, Metis) (Room 207) Workshop: Bringing Your Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms to Life: From Experiments to Production Use (Nisha Talagala, CTO, ParallelIM) (Room 206) |
12:50 PM - 1:50PM | Lunch Break |
2:00PM - 6:00PM |
Workshop: NLP workshop (Matt Leonard, Product Lead, Udacity) (Room 207) |
Day - 2 (Jan 24th Hackathon) (Room 206)
1:50PM - 2:30PM |
Decentralized AI: Convergence Of Blockchain & AI (Geeta Chauhan, Chief Technology Officer, DeepCloudAI) |
2:30PM - 6:00PM |
Opening, Hackathon rules, Team formations. |
Day - 2 (Jan 24th Exhibit Hours) 9AM-6:00PM
Day -3 (January 25th 8:30AM-6:00PM )
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM | Registration |
9:00 AM - 9:40 AM |
Technical Track: Incremental-Decremental Methods For Time Series Analysis (Joseph Ross, Data Scientist, SignalFx) (Room 211) Healthcare/Pharma/BioTech Track: Streamed Postcards from the Edge: Medical Device Architectures (Sanjay Joshi, Industry CTO Healthcare, Dell EMC) (Room 203) Business Track: Machine Learning vs. Feature Engineering: What should the Focus be in Attempting to Predict Customer Behaviour (Richard Boire, CEO, Boire Filler Group) (Room 201) |
9:40 AM - 10:20 AM | General Keynote Session: Lessons from Google's Journey to AI-First (Chanchal Chatterjee (Senior Leader in AI, Google) (Room 203) |
10:20AM - 10:50AM | Break |
10:50 AM - 11:30 AM |
Healthcare/Pharma/BioTech Track: Meshing of Thinking in Carbon with Thinking in Silicon: Risks and Opportunities (John Mattison, CMO, Kaiser Permanente) ( Room 203) Insurance Track: AI For The Enterprise (Brett Caldon, Director, Liberty Mutual Insurance) (Room 201) Healthcare/Pharma/BioTech Track: Cardiovascular Segmentation using Fully Convoluted Networks(Arvind Rapaka, VP of Engineering, TechVedika) (Room 211) |
11:30 AM - 12:10 PM |
Keynote: Fireside Chat - AI in Healthcare (Punit Soni, CEO, Suki, Ex-CPO Flipkart, Ex-VP, Google) & (Sree Chadalavada, Managing Partner, Gartner)(Room 203) Technical Track: Natural Language Processing Is Fun: Generate Lyrics In The Style Of Your Favorite Artist (Joan Xiao, PhD, Figure Eight) (Room 201) Business Track: AI- Beyond Cats And Dogs (Rohit Tandon, Partner, BootUP Ventures) (Room 211) Marketing Track: The State of AI Marketing 2019 (Federico Gobbi, Founder, AIMA - AI Marketing Association) (Room 212) |
12:10 PM - 12:50PM |
Keynote Panel: AI Adoption In Healthcare: Real-World Use Cases ( Room 203) Technical Track: FrameworkLauncher: An Orchestrator for Large-Scale Distributed Deep Learning in Bing and Microsoft (Kai Liu, Senior Program Manager, Microsoft) (Room 201) |
12:50 PM - 1:50PM | Lunch Break |
1:50 PM - 2:30PM |
Healthcare/Pharma/BioTech Track: Transforming Regression Into Neural Network For Multi-Chain Economic Model (Shyam Sarkar, CEO, AyushNet) ( Room 201) Technical Track: Virtualization and Machine Learning -why the combination is important to you (Justin Murray, solution architect, VMWare) (Room 203) |
2:30 PM - 3:10 PM |
Healthcare/Pharma/BioTech Track: Major Applications Of AI In Healthcare (Alex Ermolaev, Director of AI, Change Healthcare) ( Room 203) Technical Track: Data-Driven Methods For Improving Conversion And User Engagement (Long Pei, Data Scientist, eBay) ( Room 201) Healthcare/Pharma/BioTech Track: Artificial Intelligence In An Integrated Diagnostic Healthcare Ecosystem: An ImmunoOncology Use Case (Sarah Wang, Director, CareDx) (Room 211) |
3:10PM - 3:40PM | Break |
3:40 PM - 4:20 PM |
Technical Track: Manifold: A Model-Agnostic Framework for Interpretation and Diagnosis of Machine Learning Models (Yang Wang, Sr Research Engineer, Uber) (Room 203) |
4:20 PM - 5:00 PM |
Supply Chain Track: Real Life Application of Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chain Operations (Mudasir Ahmad, Sr. Director Operations, Cisco) (Room 203) Technical Track : Enough Data Engineering for a Data Scientist (Stephen O'Sullivan, Founder, Data Whisperer) (Room 211) Healthcare/Pharma/BioTech Track: Analytics as Augmented Human Intelligence (Matthew Baggott, Director, Genentech) (Room 201) |
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM | Keynote: What does it take to trust a decision made by a machine? (Ali Arsanjani, CTO, Deep Context & ex-CTO, IBM) (Room 203) |
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM |
Technical Track : How AI is getting more Emotional (Rana Gujral, CEO, Behavioral Signals) (Room 201) Robotics Track: Cloud AI and Future Robotics (Robert Zhang, President, Cloudminds Technology) ( Room 211) |
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM |
Enterprise Track: AIOps Enables Prediction Of Business Incidents (Bishnu Nayak, CTO, FixStream) (Room 201) Technical Track: Cloud-based Machine Learning for the Enterprise (Gabor Melli, Sr. Director of Engineering (ML&AI), Sony PlayStation) (Room 211) |
Day - 3 (Jan 25th Workshop Track)
9:00AM - 12:50 PM | Workshop: Data Science with Missing Data (Matt Brems, Global Lead Data Science Instructor, General Assembly) Category: Beginner-Intermediate (Room 207) |
9:00AM - 11:00 AM | Workshop:Emotion recognition in images: from idea to an AI model in production with Apache MXNet (Vandana Kannan, Software Engineer & Naveen Swami, Software Engineer, Amazon AI) Category: Beginner-Intermediate (Room 212) |
12:50 PM - 1:50PM | Lunch Break |
2:00PM - 6:00PM |
Workshop: The interesting convergence of AI and Blockchain! (Anurag Yadav, CEO, Primafelicitas) (Room 212) Workshop: Data Visualization in Python (Matt Brems, Global Lead Data Science Instructor, General Assembly) Category: Beginner-Intermediate-Advanced (Room 207) |
Day - 3 (Jan 25th Hackathon) (Room 206)
10:00AM - 10:30 AM | Team idea presentations (5 min per team) |
10:30AM - 4:00PM | Concept Development |
4:00PM - 6:00PM |
Final Idea presentation (10 min per team) Best Ideas selection and award announcements |
Day - 3 (Jan 25th Exhibit Hours) 9AM-6:00PM
Day - 3 (Jan 25th Global Career Fair) 9AM-6:00PM
NOTE: Agenda and speakers subject to change without notice
3rd Annual Global Artificial Intelligence Conference
Date: Jan 23rd to 25th, 2019 Venue: Santa Clara, CA, USA - Event Info