
Speaker "Srisatish Ambati" Details Back



Data Science and Data Products for Software Developers


Data is the new clay. Data Science will transform software engineers. From building data driven applications to building insight driven applications. Software engineers can now transform entire businesses with smarter applications.

In this talk Sri will present practical nuances around data science - Common data segmentation tasks, modeling and scoring and how to get started and build real-time applications using machine learning and data science. We take a nuts and bolts approach, a hello world application and then a common pattern for real-time smarter applications. Talk will be infused with rich links and media resources for learning data science from a software developer's point of view.


Sri is co-founder and ceo of 0xdata (@hexadata), the builders of H2O. H2O democratizes bigdata science and makes hadoop do math for better predictions. Before 0xdata, Sri spent time scaling R over bigdata with researchers at Purdue and Stanford. Prior to that Sri co-founded Platfora and was the Director of Engineering at DataStax. Before that Sri was Partner & Performance engineer at java multi-core startup, Azul Systems, tinkering with the entire ecosystem of enterprise apps at scale. Before that Sri was at sabbatical pursuing Theoretical Neuroscience at Berkeley. Prior to that Sri worked on nosql trie based index for semistructured data at in-memory index startup RightOrder.
Sri is known for his knack for envisioning killer apps in fast evolving spaces and assembling stellar teams towards productizing that vision. A regular speaker in the BigData, NoSQL and Java circuit, Sri leaves trail @srisatish.