
Speaker "Carlos J. Ochoa" Details Back



Metaverse and Immersive Realities Industries


Quo Vadis Metaverse. Episode I. The Universe and the power of the 5 senses. Join me on this fascinating journey into the bowels of the Metaverse. A completely different perspective, from the perception of the human being to the heart of the machines. A journey that Leonardo Da Vinci, Bosch, and Dalí began a long time ago, and in which today we will navigate through the emotions, senses, and affections of the human being and his need to seek happiness beyond the merely earthly. A journey in which we will discover together what the Metaverse is, what it is not, and what it should be. The impact on the establishment of new social relations, the new signs of identity hidden by avatars, new forms of intercultural and intergenerational relationships... how machines can deceive the brain and generate false states of happiness, in a utopian world of happiness...and how it affects the human rights, their integrity and the need to create spaces of trust, where human rights, ethics, freedom, and democratic values are respected.
Who is this presentation for?
CEO, Business owners, Busines Angels, Investors, Startups, It Managers, RRHH managers

What you'll learn?
All the key points and relevant issues around the Immersive Worlds and Metaverse business and technologies embedded


Engineer from Madrid Polytechnic University, MBA from Babson College, Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Maryland University, Certificate in Digital Marketing for International Business Development (ICEX), and ITC & Gis Certificate by Siemens Data-Technic Schule (Germany). President VRAR Madrid Chapter, Co-Chair of Education Committee, Immersive Learning Founding Member, ICICLE X-Reality for Learning and Performance Augmentation SIG, Member of Educators in VR, Member of Smart Cities Experts Group of AENOR (Spain) With over 25 years of international experience in Innovation and New Advance Digital Technologies in ITC Industry and Digital Education. Leading successful organizations (SIEMENS, Sagentia, Altran, Founder and CEO of E_Learning Consulting, ONE Digital Consulting & SmartEducationLabs, with a balanced strategic mission and innovative business development vision. Author of the White Paper “Best Practices in VR in Education” and “State of Art of XR in Education” by VR/AR Association and Member of Several Experts Committees in XR in Training, Education, Training, Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Smart Cities