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Charly Batista
Lead Engineer, Search & Discovery Services
Workshop: MySQL and Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC)
This training intends to introduce MySQL clustering using Percona XtraDB Cluster, how to install, configure and tune it, and troubleshooting techniques.
Day 1 - Introduction to PXC: Architecture, installation and configuration
- Architecture of PXC
- Replication methodologies
-- Sync Replications
-- Async replication
- Installation and configuration of PXC
- MySQL log files
- Operation of PXC cluster
- Performance tuning and monitoring
- Tunable parameters of PXC MySQL
Day 2 - PXC administration: Backup, restore,
- Administration of PXC MySQL
- MySQL Security
- MySQL Access privileges
- MySQL User account management
- MySQL Server configurations
- High Availability and scalability with PXC cluster
Day 3 - Troubleshooting and best practices
- DDL and DML in standalone MySQL vs Galera/PXC
- Backup and Recovery
- Operations challenges and troubleshooting
- Best practices
Tools that we need to download:
All the below software are opensource and we need them to be able to have hands-on labs
- Percona PXC at https://www.percona.com/downloads/Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-LATEST/#
- Percona Xtrabackup at https://www.percona.com/downloads/Percona-XtraBackup-8.0/LATEST/
- Percona toolkit at https://www.percona.com/downloads/percona-toolkit/LATEST/
- Percona Monitoring and Management v2 at https://www.percona.com/downloads/pmm2/
A Brazilian living in China... Charly is passionate about new cultures, their languages and traditions. Charly has been working with database and development for more than 15 years and has participated in small and large projects in Brazil, the US, China, and other countries. Currently, he is the PostgreSQL Tech Lead at Percona.