Speaker "Snehal Bhatia" Details Back

Snehal Bhatia
Solution Architect
MongoDB Best Practices
MongoDB is not only a leading NoSQL database leveraging the Document Model, but is also a Cloud Data Platform providing many tools, functionalities and services, hence making it a modern, general-purpose database. While MongoDB is built for developer productivity, it is vital to understand data modelling methodologies, performance and monitoring aspects as well as the architectural considerations that can help you meet your use cases. In this session, we will discuss the best practices and the available tooling that can help you get the best out of MongoDB, in addition to learning about the latest features and releases.
Who is this presentation for?
Technical audience: Developers, DevOps, SREs, DBAs
Prerequisite knowledge:
Basic MongoDB data modelling and querying, or basic understanding of NoSQL paradigm
What you'll learn?
- Data Modelling Tips and Tricks - Performance Best Practices: Indexing, using Developer Tools such as MongoDB Compass, Performance Advisor, Monitoring, Query Profiler, etc. - How to make your MongoDB deployment Resilient and Secure -Getting started with MongoDB Atlas and the Data Platform - MongoDB latest features and updates, including MongoDB 5.0 functionalities
I am a Solutions Architect at MongoDB, an enthusiast of data and everything related to it!