Speaker "Andrey Pokhilko" Details Back

Andrey Pokhilko
CA Blazemeter
Chief Scientist
Fully-Automated Decision Making from Load Test Results
Historically, humans took the role of decision making based on load test results’ analysis - and even the analysis itself was made manually. Today is the era of CI/CD, and having a human in the loop negates the total automation we’re all striving for, leading to a conflict of traditional practices and modern needs. In this presentation, Andrey Pokhilko will share his personal experiences on executing a fully automated results analysis and decision making process for load testing. He will review specific KPIs, techniques, and tools that facilitate full automation and will help you realize your CI/CD goals. He will cover a wide scope of scenarios: from trivial cases in which you know your system under test well, to a zero-knowledge situation, in which you can still make decisions with a reasonable degree of confidence.