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Markus Eisele
Lightbend Inc.
Developer Evangelist
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith
Microservices-based architectures are en-vogue. The last couple of years we have learned how the thought-leaders implement them, and every other week we have heard about how containers and Platform-as-a-Service offerings make them ultimately happen. The problem is that the developers are almost forgotten and left alone with provisioning and continuous delivery systems, containers and resource schedulers, and frameworks and patterns to help slice existing monoliths. How can we get back in control and efficiently develop them without having to provision complete production-like environments locally, by hand? All the new buzzwords, frameworks, and hyped tools have made us forget ourselves—Java developers–and what it means to be productive and have fun building systems. The problem that we set out to solve is: how can we run real-world Microservices-based systems on our local development machines, managing provisioning, and orchestration of potentially hundreds of services directly from a single command line tool, without sacrificing productivity enablers like hot code reloading and instant turnaround time? During this talk, you'll experience first hand how much fun it can be to develop large-scale Microservices-based systems. You will learn a lot about what it takes to fail fast and recover and truly understand the power of a fully integrated Microservices development environment.