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Nelson Petracek
TIBCO Software Inc.
Chief Technology Officer
Blockchain in the Enterprise: Smarter than Bitcoin?
Most people have heard of Bitcoin, and also know that blockchain is one of the underlying concepts behind this cryptocurrency. However, what does this mean for the broader enterprise? How can technologies related to blockchain be applied in various verticals, and what does this mean for traditional database-centric approaches? Join this session to hear about blockchain and associated concepts such as smart contracts, and how these technologies may be applied across various use cases and verticals.
As CTO of TIBCO Software’s Strategic Enablement Group (SEG), Nelson Petracek brings close to 20 years of experience to his customers. A strong technology evangelist, Nelson specializes in the areas of messaging, microservices, cloud and on-premise integration, event-driven architectures, operational intelligence, and event processing. Able to bridge the gap between business and IT, Nelson works with his customers to identify and define the appropriate use of various technologies and architectures. Prior to TIBCO, Nelson acted as a senior director within Informatica Corporation’s Enterprise Technologies group, and has held consulting roles with a number of companies across various verticals – delivering solutions for the next stage of digital business.