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Viren Baraiya
Netflix Inc
Software Architect
Netflix Conductor - Orchestrating microservices at scale
In a microservices world, many business process automations are driven by direct integrations across services. Direct integrations are quick to build but tend to create a distributed state machine that is much harder to change, scale and visualize. Netflix Conductor enables process automation within microservices by leveraging existing services to build new process flows while providing control and visibility into their interactions. Netflix utilizes Conductor for orchestrating various processes ranging from content delivery and encoding flows to automating title setup and metadata tagging. We built Conductor on battle tested open source technologies from Netflix. In this talk, we will look at different approaches to process orchestration and learnings that led us to build Conductor. We will dive deeper into the principles driving the design and take an in-depth look at the architecture of the system. We will discuss how we scale the system to handle the large workloads in a cloud native environment and provide availability and resiliency.
Viren Baraiya is a software architect with Netflix. Viren is a member of content infrastructure engineering at Netflix, focusing on building scalable architecture and components that drives Netflix's content engineering platform. Viren is co-author of Netflix Conductor, an open source orchestration engine for microservices.