Speaker "Vladimir Bacvanski" Details Back

Vladimir Bacvanski
Principal Architect
Software Architectures for Streaming Applications
Streaming is the next step in the evolution of Big Data technologies and it is becoming a necessary part of systems designed to handle high volume of events. In this talk, we begin with characteristics of Stream Processing, and then discuss the dominant architectures for Streaming systems and continue into examples of technologies and application solutions for streaming applications. We compare the important technologies, such as Akka Streams, Storm, Spark, Flink and Apache Beam. We explore Quality Attributes of such systems as a mechanism for making architectural decisions and then discuss the common architectural viewpoints for designing and describing streaming systems.
* Stream Processing: What is it?
* Architectures for Stream Processing
* Akka, Streaming, and Backpressure
* Apache Storm: The Dedicated Stream system
* Apache Spark Streaming: A versatile in-memory batch/streaming system
* Apache Flink: Novel integration of batch and streaming
* Apache Beam: The common API layer
* Quality Attributes and Architectural Scenarios for Streaming
* Common Architectural Viewpoints for Streaming Applications