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Jack Mccauley
Jack Mccauley
Future of AI in electric vehicles. (Specifically fuzzy logic in electric vehicle control).
AI in cars (specifically fuzzy logic in electric vehicle control).
What you'll learn?
What fuzzy logic is, self driving sensors, how fuzzy logic relates to electric vehicles.
Jack McCauley is an American engineer, hardware designer, inventor, AI expert, video game developer, philanthropist and active in EV technology. Jack is best known for designing the guitars and drums for the Guitar Hero video game series, and as a co-founder and chief engineer at Oculus VR. At Oculus McCauley designed and built the Oculus DK1 and DK2 virtual reality headsets. Oculus was acquired by Facebook for $2 Billion. McCauley holds numerous U.S. patents for inventions in software, audio effects, virtual reality, motion control, computer peripherals, and video game hardware and controllers. Jack was awarded a full scholarship to attend University of California, Berkeley where he earned as BSc., EECS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1986. He currently serves as an Innovator in Residence at Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation at UC Berkeley. Jack is pursuing new projects at his private R&D facility and hardware incubator in Livermore, Calif.