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Yashwanth Hemaraj
Benhamou Global Ventures
Venture Capital Investor
Industrial IoT, an investor perspective Selling Intelligence?
Over the past 18 months we have seen a sizeable chunk of our deal flow coming from the IIOT sector. During this time we have also engaged in active dialogue with larger technology firms that are playing an important role in the IIOT eco-system. I will synthesize our perspective based on our interactions. Similarly, we have built our thesis on Intelligence platforms, companies selling smarter and faster analytics platforms - talk about the challenges they face and the opportunities to shift the discussions to outcomes.
Yashwanth (Yash) Hemaraj is a venture capital investor at Benhamou Global Ventures. Prior to BGV, Yash was one of the first engineers at SpiderCloud Wireless, a venture backed bay area startup building indoor wireless systems. At BGV, his focus areas are technologies that drive the digital transformation of enterprises - ranging from cloud technologies, customer centric applications, cyber security, industrial IoT, to blockchain and advanced analytics solutions. His investments include companies such as Totango and OneMob. He regularly advises entrepreneurs in multiple aspects of startups, including fundraising, go-to-market strategy and product development and is a mentor at various accelerators. He graduated with a MBA from the Kellogg School of Management, and MS in Electrical Engineering from University of Maryland.