Speaker "Pushpraj Shukla" Details Back
Pushpraj Shukla
Principal Data Scientist
Predicting The Future: Surprising Revelations From Truly Big Data
What does predicting the Super Bowl winner have in common with forecasting XBox sales? How is predicting the Oscars similar to finding unknown adverse drug reactions that can save lives? In this talk, the Bing Predicts team from Microsoft will show you how it is taking a fresh look at these questions and getting remarkably good at predicting the future. At the core of it all lies the ability to predict aggregate human behavior using one of the largest scale data sets (search and web data) and recent progress in large scale deep learnt models.
Pushpraj is a Principal Data Scientist at Microsoft and the Tech Lead for the BingPredicts project. He has worked on large scale machine learning solutions for improving Search Quality and has built Cloud-based platforms for Big Data experimentation at Bing. These days, he finds unique social and industry applications for machine-learnt predictions from Microsoft's Big Data assets.