Speaker "Andy Goodman" Details Back

Andy Goodman
BCG Digital Ventures
Zero UI - a future without screens
Zero UI refers to a paradigm where our movements, voice, glances, and even thoughts can all cause systems to respond to us through our environment. At its extreme, it implies a screen-less, invisible user interface where natural gestures trigger interactions, as if the user was communicating to another person. In this talk I will explore the contexts, scenarios, and uses of Zero UI, what it means to design and build these services and also what it will mean to live alongside or even “inside” them. Zero UI will not be limited to personal devices but will extend to homes, entire cities, even environments and ecosystems, and as a result have a massive impact on society as a whole. Our seemingly unquenchable attachment to screens—rectangles that glow in the corner of rooms, on our tables, by our bedside, and in our pockets—has come to inform societal norms and mores; so much so that it may be difficult to imagine a world not dominated by screens—yet that’s where we are heading.