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Dave Mcallister
Does your IoT Architecture Deliver Data Value?
IoT requires data movement. IoT is presenting challenges for scale that are immense, as in fields like connected cars, smart cities and healthcare. But really, what's a few zettabytes of day among friends? While there are many ways to manage movement of real-time information between connected things and systems, taking advantage of all the standards/tools at your disposal will give you the richest functionality and most flexibility. Using real-world examples, this presentation will show how protocols and techniques like REST, MQTT, AMQP and JMS can be combined to link devices and applications across your cloud, fog and edge systems. Dave will cover the strengths and weaknesses in the most popular protocols and discuss why a single protocol choice may not be the right answer for your problem. Too often, developers and architects think that IoT data is a straight line problem, and fall afoul of the sheer scale of the problem. This talk will : Analyze the potential scale of data in an IoT implementation Discuss security concerns in IoT, including the IoT nuclear takeover scenario Outline and dive into working architectures and the problems they are approaching. Update and highlight the pros and cons of major data protocols. Delve into the open standards and the supporting open source implementations of each. In conclusion, the use of the right data movement and protocols are far more important than attempting to force fit a single protocol into all steps of the solution.