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Greg Nudelman
Sr. Director Of Design
UX Design Principles for Industrial IoT
UX design for the Internet of Things offers unique opportunities to combine the best of Analytics, AI, and Big Data, with usable, responsive, mobile-first designs. IoT brings with it the promise of exciting easy-to-use user interfaces, combining the best of humans and machines into visions of Ironman-like super-hero cyborgs! Not so fast. In this practical talk, veteran UX Expert and 7-times book author Greg Nudelman bring real insights from the cutting edge of the IoT UX frontiers at GE Digital and Cisco. In this practical, frank session will discuss which UX principles work for IoT and which do not, how to deal with increasing complexity, enormous amounts of data in the cloud, poor connectivity, and the need to create serious data visualizations for improved understanding and faster and better decision-making in traditional heavy industries. We'll discuss how to use IoT UX principles to quickly deliver value to clients and companies, and answer the challenges of what has been called nothing less than the next step in the evolution of humanity.
Greg is Sr. Director of Design at LogicMonitor, where he leads the team of designers leveraging AIOps to design and help ship innovative solutions for Network and Cloud analytics and monitoring. He's a veteran speaker and the author of 5 UX books. His next book, "UX for AI" is planned for 2021.