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Shailesh Manjrekar
Digital Transformation in the age of IoT, GPU Computing and Augmented Intelligence
Digital Transformation is profoundly changing the way we work, live and play. Businesses are innovating business models, leveraging applications which are becoming social, mobile and real-time. New frameworks need to be devised to cater to these new models and applications. Vendors are launching platform plays which provide an eco-system to democratize Augmented Intelligence.
Data is the new oil, however businesses need a different approach to drill this oil, in a way it impacts the business processes positively and instantaneously. Existing datacenter infrastructure falls short in meeting the requirements of these new distributed and massively parallel pipelines and datatypes and need to evolve. Businesses need to move from a Data Lake paradigm to a Data Fabric paradigm, which caters to fast data than big data and is most importantly carry actionable context.
Several trends are proving to democratize Digital Transformation vision and technologiesare emerging as building blocks. Notably Convergence of HPC, Big Data Analytics and Artificial intelligence markets, driven by GPU computing, open sourcing of ML / DL frameworks, Distributed architectures, faster storage media like NVMe and 3D-Xpoint and faster networking with NVMeOF are fueling these trends.
This session will particularly focus on -
- Future of Analytics - move from descriptive to prescriptive and now to cognitive, leveraging Deep Learning, neural nets, streaming paradigms
- Business Value of Digital Transformation - remain competitive, survive and thrive.
- Remove infrastructure bottlenecks, particularly as they pertain to storage and data management when using AI, Deep Learning, Cognitive piplelines for use cases across vertical use cases, like
- Video Analytics
- Genomics, Precision medicine
- Speech Recognition
- Industrial IoT
- Security Analytics
- Retail Customer Churn / Sentiment Analysis
Shailesh is responsible for CloudFabrix's Product vision, Marketing, and strategy for Data Observability and AIOps market. CloudFabrix is a Data Intelligence and Automation company. Shailesh is focused on evangelizing and extending the use cases for transformative "Robotic Data Automation Fabric" to unify Observability, AIOps and Automation across the edge and cloud.