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Kaivan Karimi
VP Technologies
IoT and Big Data
How will IoT change the future of big data analytics By: Kaivan Karimi, VP and GM of Wireless Solutions, Atmel Corporation In the coming years, IoT will change the world as we know it and impact every aspects our lives. Most of the value created for IoT will come from the application of data analytics, enabling process optimization and efficiency improvements. IoT will quantify the physical world, and puts the future of innovations on a more accelerated curve. Volumes of people, processes, and machine-generated data from edge/sensing nodes will create new opportunities for big data analytics. The rise of IoT will add new generation of event processing engines on both the cloud side as well as the customer premise/gateways. This talk will define the infrastructure of IoT from the tiniest edge nodes all the way to the data centers, explores the differences between IT cloud vs. IoT cloud, and the implication on data analytics needed to support IoT applications, including various examples of application of big data analytics for specific verticals.