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Steven Gustafson
Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) for Data Science Productivity
With the increased availability of both cloud computing and AI libraries arrives the opportunity to automatically search, or optimize machine learning algorithms. While this technology has been around for almost twenty years and seeing renewed interest lately, only recently has the computing power become widespread enough to fully take advantage of it by a growing community of data scientists across many different types of opportunities. Because machine learning still remains a rather challenging discipline for most, I advocate for a more “assistive” approach to AutoML that helps the data scientist learn about different methods within the entire machine learning pipeline, as well as create a knowledge graph of results that can be further mined and explored to gain knowledge and connect with other individuals who are also searching for machine learning pipelines. In this talk, I will present an overview of the approach, published recently in IJCAI and AAAI, and provide new unpublished results demonstrating its effectiveness on public data sets.