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Keynote Panel: Generative AI: Balancing Innovation and Responsibility


Generative AI systems (ChatGPT, Midjourney, and the like) have led to exciting opportunities for benefits to society, enhancing human productivity, efficiency and creativity. At the same time, there is emerging consensus that their application needs to be regulated, limited, and possibly even prohibited in some cases. How can we stimulate innovation in this space while doing so responsibly? How can we move beyond general statements of principles to specific technical and policy solutions? The panelists will bring their diverse perspectives to bear on these critical questions.


Ravi Jain is Chair of the ACM US Technology Policy Committee Working Group on Generative AI, and an advisor to startups and VC funds focusing on AI technology and product applications. He has deep experience in AI, mobile, software, and R&D leadership. He has been at Meta (Senior Director leading AI for Augmented Reality), Amazon (VP of Search Science and AI), Motorola (VP of Applications), CTO for Paul Allen at Vulcan, and 10 years at Google (engineering for mobile ads, location services and applications). PhD in Computer Science, over 30 patents, co-authored over 70 peer-reviewed papers and three books, keynote speaker and panelist, IEEE Fellow.